Venture Capital-Finanzierungen zukünftig nur noch unter erschwerten Bedingungen?
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News and developments in the FinTech sector – in particular regarding Crypto Currencies (including ICOs / STOs), Payments, Crowdfunding/Crowdinvesting/Peer-to-Peer Lending, and Anti-Money-Laundering
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Seit 30. Dezember 2024 findet die Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (kurz „MiCAR“) vollständig Anwendung. Die ESAs und die ESMA haben kurz vorher weitere…
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Die Zahl der Aktiensparer hat sich von 2019 bis 2022 um rund ein Drittel von gut neun auf zwölf Millionen erhöht. Vor allem…
Das Jahr 2029 dürften viele Fußballfans mit Spannung erwarten. Neben der UEFA Women's EURO 2029 findet in diesem Jahr die zweite Auflage der…
The FinTech sector, which reorganises the traditional roles and functions of financial services, is part of the most highly regulated of all industries and increasingly is one of the sectors with the highest public profile.
Changes in technology and customer preferences mean that financial services are being structured and consumed in new ways. The regulatory landscape also needs to keep pace with new financial regulatory transparency requirements that are evolving globally.
FinTechs are not only concerned with financing their project but also with implementing their business model. FinTechs, along with established market participants who wish to expand their product range, often face a multitude of supervisory regulations that have to be complied with.
With a global multidisciplinary team, Osborne Clarke is one of the leading European law firms advising on all aspects of the FinTech sector – providing the full scope of legal services, from everyday legal matters to most complex legal questions.